Were you ever separated from your parents at the mall? Or did your parents ever forget you somewhere? If so, you know what it’s like to be left behind.
You may have another chance to experience what it’s like according to You’ve Been Left Behind, one of the strangest ideas I’ve seen in a long time (and that’s really saying something).
For $40 a year you can store up to 250MB of documents to be sent to up to 62 email addresses six days after the rapture takes place. How will the web site know the rapture has occurred? When 3 out of 5 of the folks running the web site don’t log in for a 3 day period. They’d better not take a vacation at the same time! I also don’t suppose it has occurred to them that they may be the ones left behind.
In any case, if you see people levitating heavenward (like this lady) and receive an email saying, “I told you so,” six days later, you’ll know what it’s all about.
If you think that may be the case, act now and register with You’re Still Here.
Bruce Schneier points out the dangers of uploading your confidential information. Be very careful.
Wow. This is SERIOUSLY cracked.
You’re tellin’ me!