Leon Ho, creator of LifeHack.org and internationalization manager at RedHat Linux, linked to Listible in the Showcase area of his blog. At first I assumed he created it, because there are only three links in the showcase area, one to lifehack and the other to his job. The whois domain information is private and none of the contact or about information on the site has any personally identifying information. My guess is still Leon, but since the identify is shrouded in secrecy, I can’t say that for certain.
In any case, Listible has lists of all sorts of things, like best movies of all time, social bookmarking sites, Web 2.0 beta sites you should be a part of, best Firefox extensions, best online calendars and windows open source software or freeware. There are a few spam sites among the good ones (I reported the ones I saw) but it’s a great idea that will get even better as it gets more popular.