Google has released Picasa for Linux. This is great news for me because Picasa is a great application but I haven’t used it much because it only ran on Windows. I’ve already downloaded it and it worked great. Three cheers for Google.
Categories: UsefulLet’s say you have a place to rent. You hear about a guy who always pays his rent on time, never complains about anything and keeps to himself. Sounds like a dream come true, right? That’s what the owner of this townhouse thought until he came back to see the place 8 years later.
Categories: HumorI was researching a few online brokerage sites and one of them mentioned that they had ranked in the top 5 in a Keynote Ranking study. I’d never heard of Keynote before so I looked at their web site and was surprised to find all sorts of rankings on the utility, ease of use, performance […]
Categories: UsefulI don’t know if anyone else has run into this problem, but I had a bunch of old drafts when I upgraded to WordPress 2.0.2. When I published one, the timestamp wasn’t updated to the current time and it was annoying to have to change it manually. I found out that a fix had been […]
Categories: WordPressI only recently learned that prunes are in fact dried plums. I guess I never really thought much about where prunes came from. Most people know that raisins are dried grapes and identifying the origin of dried apricots is not all that challenging. However, it seems odd that some fruits have a specific name for […]
Categories: LanguageI was never aware that a street named court is always a cul-de-sac, but I’ve heard that is the case. In other words, if a street is named “blah court,” it means it’s a cul-de-sac. So far, I have been unable to confirm or disprove the claim. I found a few pages about street types […]
Categories: My ThoughtsI’ve been meaning to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress for a while now, and now that I did it, I’m impressed. During my hiatus from blogging while I focused on school, the WordPress developers were busily adding features and improving the code. Nice work guys! I also updated my dashboard replacement so it […]
Categories: The site,WordPress