spoofing caller id

The phone rings. You check caller ID before answering, but the voice on the other line is not who you expected. Caller IDs can be faked or spoofed, just like e-mails, so the number you read on the screen may not be that of the actual caller. Thieves can use caller ID spoofing to activate credit cards, making it appear as though they’re calling from the account’s home telephone number. They can use the same tactic to authorize cash transfers from a stolen credit card. Companies who provide the service claim it’s for entertainment purposes only, but how much entertainment can it really provide? It’s hard to imagine too many people willing to pay money over and over again to make people think they’re calling from the White House. One of the main reasons people pay for caller ID is to be able to screen their calls, so if spoofing becomes widespread, the value of caller ID will diminish. Telephone companies complain that a single call can be carried by several providers, making it hard for them to trace, but that is precisely what enables spoofing to occur in the first place. The responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of the telephone companies who are charging their customers for a service that is not providing accurate information. It is up to them to find a reasonable solution.

(via msn.com)


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  1. Intresting point, i knew spoofing caller id was not a good practice, but never tought it could be so dangerous. Thanks for the info.

    Comment by Thejaswi on March 7, 2006 @ 10:21 pm
  2. You’re very welcome.

    Comment by dan on March 9, 2006 @ 12:19 pm
  3. I had no idea that caller ID spoofing even existed. What can I do if someone (a telemarketer, I’m assuming) calls me from a number that I think is my friend’s?

    Comment by Princess Jami on March 9, 2006 @ 2:23 pm
  4. At the moment, nothing, because it’s not illegal. Since it’s not against the law, the FCC isn’t doing anything about it. I would guess that if the illegal uses continue to increase, the FCC will eventually need to get involved.

    Comment by dan on March 9, 2006 @ 8:29 pm

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