site loading slowly?

If your site has been loading slowly recently (like mine was towards the end of last week) you may want to try removing your blogroll to see if it helps.

My site was taking 10-15 seconds to load when it usually takes less than a second, and when I removed the blogrolling code it zipped back to full speed.

I’m not saying you should stop using them, just temporarily remove the code until they fix whatever was causing their server to be so slow. I just wanted to share because it took me a while to figure out why it was slow. I thought it was my server until I found that the only slow page on my site was the main index page.


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  1. You maybe interested in this Dan:

    and be sure to read other entries by Arvind… they are highly helpful (though most of em are too technical for me.)

    Comment by Teja on September 20, 2004 @ 1:16 pm

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