I usually get strange looks when I say the word “aunt” (my pronunciation rhymes with gaunt) so the Yankee Dixie quiz caught my attention. When I moved out west there were lots of words that I noticed being used or said differently, and the quiz contains nearly all of them. A few that are missing are:
roof: Rhymes with hoof or aloof.
root: Rhymes with foot or toot.
query: Pronounced kw-eer-y or kw-eh-rey.
On the quiz I scored: 55% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.
Linky no worky.
Ack – it’s fixed now. Sorry about that.
“48% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.”
I have heard my family in Wisconsin refer to drinking fountains as a bubbler.
And my husband’s Alabama parents… well that’s a whole ‘nother story I’ll be fixin’ to tell a whole ‘nother time.
“40% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee”.
Dan, you beat me to it. I had just taken that test and was about to post it on my site. Oh well. Here’s my result:
“91% (Dixie). Is General Lee your father?”
I’m not suprised. But “aunt” sounds like “ant.”
Renee, I’m fixin’ to take you out behind the barn with a switch for some what-for if’n you keep it up. ;)
Who was that anonymous commenter? Jan?
40% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.
Dan, yep. I forgot to fill in my name. Oops. Sorry about that. So maybe I need to be given what-for instead of Renee.
46%. I think the fact that I like saying Y’all killed my score.
42% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category.
What’s the other 58%?
68% (Dixie). A definitive Southern score!
Okay, so maybe I got rid of my accent, but apparently I’m still quite Dixie. That’s what I get for having been born in North Carolina.
I was a bit surprised by the end score, though. A lot of my individual question results were from the Great Lakes area. Interesting, since I’ve never been to that part of the country.
The link isn’t working.
It’s not my fault this time. The creater of the site took it down. Here’s the Google cache so at least you can see the questions.
The cache has expired, so now there’s nothing left of the quiz but memories. Sweet, sweet memories.
81% dixie.. are you’re ancestors confederates?
i’m a little bit suprised, seein as i’ve got a pretty strong southern accent, that 19% of me is yankee. and yes, my ancestors ARE confederates, not much to brag about but i get a nice scholorship from the united daughters of the confederacy for havin all them ancestors fight in the war for the south “PRIDE NOT PREJUDICE” by the way. well, we did have a cousin that moved up to connecticut. maybe thats where i get my yankee from, even though we disowned her as soon as we found out! g’nite darlins