gnome-terminal tabs

I’ve become quite fond of tabs thanks to Opera and Galeon, but just recently discovered (by accident) that gnome-terminal has tabs too.

Ctrl-Shift-T opens a new tab and Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-PgDown allow you to navigate up or down through them. They are especially convenient when you want to run a quick shell command, then go back to what you were doing.

Thank goodness for accidental keystrokes. I’ve learned a lot of cool features from them.


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  1. I’ve known about tabs in gnome-terminal and konsole for quite a long time, but I always leave them disabled. I like to be able to have multiple terminals open side-by-side so I can see what’s going on in all of them at the same time. I’d really like to do the same thing with web browser windows, but I always have so many of them open and they’re all so big that clutter becomes excessive. Tabs are a pretty good tradeoff in that case, at least in my opinion.

    Comment by Levi on October 13, 2003 @ 8:40 am
  2. I often don’t want to see what’s in another terminal because what I’m doing doesn’t relate to it, and tabs save me from having to open up a new window just to check the path or create a directory or check a configuration file. Of course I also like to be able to see multiple terminals at the same time, which is why I like the flexibility to either use tabs or separate terminals.

    Comment by dan on October 13, 2003 @ 9:46 am
  3. I’ve known about the tabs for a while too but choose not to use them. I guess I’m just so used to opening multiple terminals that it’s a hard habit to break. Perhaps some day.

    Comment by jason on October 14, 2003 @ 8:57 am
  4. I found this page via Google, trying to figure out what the keystrokes were for paging through the tabs in gnome-terminal. Thanks for the tip!

    Comment by tpt on December 1, 2003 @ 1:57 am
  5. Screen is great at managing terminals in a window-less environment (or in X, too). You can use screen to scroll through your open sessions, and even create multiple “regions” on your screen window to view more than one session at a time. The entire screen sessions is also detachable, which means you can detach from a session at work, and reconnect to your screen session from home and have access to all the same sessions. Neat.

    Comment by VimGuy on January 11, 2004 @ 2:23 am
  6. I found this through Google.

    I am trying to find out how to hop from tab to tab, with only the keyboard. My mouse is ill.

    Comment by Revence 27 on November 3, 2006 @ 4:17 am
  7. Revence 27: Ctrl-PageUp and Ctrl-PageDown should do it.

    Comment by dan on November 3, 2006 @ 7:39 am
  8. I’d like to open lots of tabs from a script and execute a command in each one. Does anyone know how to do that in bash?

    Comment by George Horlacher on June 8, 2010 @ 8:16 am
  9. @George Use -e “command” to run a command and –tab to open a new tab. For example: gnome-terminal –tab -e “sleep 10”

    Comment by Dan on June 8, 2010 @ 9:26 am

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