weird searches
I’ve been keeping track of the strangest search terms that have led people to my site for the past few days. Today, when I went see if there were any to add, I discovered that my Big Tracker account didn’t exist anymore. They had a disk crash on the server and lost everything so I had to open a new account. It’s a pity they lost all the data but at least I still have this list of search phrases.
elephant poop pictures
john bunyan at&t
flash drug humor
rabbit hopping clicking noises
thursday red shirt
instant oatmeal expiration
dan dan noodle
I wonder what the person was trying to find when they put John Bunyan and AT&T in the same sentence.
Well, I went to google and put in “john bunyan at&t” and it turns out that he’s the vice president of at&t. as for elephant poop picture…
I should have known. The moment I saw “bunyan” I thought “Paul” and didn’t stop to realize that John != Paul. The only question that remains is why did they end up at my site.
Um yea I looked up “Weird shaped poop pictures” and it sent me here.
Now Kristal, why are you searching for such things?
Just searched for dan dan noodles and this appears to be a real Chinese dish.
Interesting. I should try it sometime ;)