the bike is back

I woke up at the leisurely hour of 12:30pm and had a filling pancake breakfast so I would have enough energy to go mountain biking with my roommate. As we were about to leave I discovered a voice mail on my cell phone which said that my CBR was all ready to go – it just had some fouled spark plugs which had to be replaced and the entire bill was only $98 (including oil change). I was very pleased for two reasons. One: I got my bike back. Two: It cost much less than I was expecting it to. It felt good to get back on it and ride home. It didn’t feel as good to get on the mountain bike. We went to a trail in Alpine and the uphill parts were especially painful. The downhills made it worth it and in spite of two blisters on my hands and a sore butt, I enjoyed it.

Last night we had a game night with lots of different board games. We then proceeded to shoot hoops for a while, which then progressed to cutthroat (I managed to win all three games) and then we played HORSE with a large group of people. It was a lot of fun (more so than the board games in my opinion) and I’m glad I went. Afterwards we went over to a girls house to watch Atlantis which is a very entertaining movie.

Now I’m off to take care of some dogs for a friend of mine. He’s got two Newfoundlands and a much smaller dog whose breed I am not aware of. I hope to avoid getting too much slobber on me while I’m giving them water and food. The weather today is beautiful. I think I’ll take my CBR ;)

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