
Ahoy! Teday be Talk Like a Pirate Day matey. If’n ye be talkin’ normal like ye be a scurvy bilge rat.


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  1. Two friends on Facebook were posting in pirate talk, so I figured that the day had been recently. I told them that you were usually also pretty into it. Do you get an e-mail about it or something, or is it always the 19th of September? (OK, I just looked it up and read the website about it, so it is every Sept. 19.) Are you committed enough to it that you have it on a personal calendar or reminder or something?

    Comment by Dave Hersam on September 21, 2008 @ 9:02 am
  2. Yup, it’s on my calendar every year.

    Comment by Dan on September 22, 2008 @ 9:04 am
  3. you should check out the new beta facebook pirate translation it is pretty funny.

    Comment by whaleman on October 19, 2008 @ 4:48 pm

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