Your name in Japanese
Do you know what your name looks like in Japanese?
I didn’t either until I found this site. I used both Dan and Daniel. I’m not a fan of Danieru, the Japanese pronunciation for Daniel. It makes my name sound like a Pokemon.
This is what the name “Dan” looks like in Japanese:
It is pronounced “DAN”. (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. “A” sounds like a in father, but shorter.)
This is what the name “Daniel” looks like in Japanese:
It is pronounced “DANIERU”. (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. “A” sounds like a in father, but shorter. “I” sounds like ee in meet, but shorter. “U” sounds like oo in hook, but with less rounding of the lips. “E” sounds like e in met.)
(via presurfer)
This IS cool! I like how mine turned out.
This is what the name “Jami” looks like in Japanese:
It is pronounced “JEIMII”. (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. “I” sounds like ee in meet, but shorter. “E” sounds like e in met. Double vowels like “II” are held for twice the duration of single vowels.)
Oops. You can’t see the characters. Well, I’ll be posting it at my site tomorrow. :-)
I uploaded the image onto the server (partly because I wanted to see what it looked like) so you can see it now. I like it!