random links roundup
Taco Town – If you can fog a mirror, this will make you laugh. Taco Town! (via simple bits)
10 Supermarket Secrets – I don’t know that all of these are 100% true or that all of them were secrets, but it’s still interesting.
Spyware wreaks havoc – Man. Eliot Spitzer, attorney general of New York State, has done an impressive amount of work to combat sleazy, low life companies. I love that the company that produced the spyware had their own computers become infected. Sweet justice.
15 Ways to Keep More of Your Money – Some of these are pretty basic, but it’s always wise to take a good look at your finances every once in a while to make sure you’re where you want to be. (The information is specific to Canada, just so you know that some of the investment vehicles they’re talking about aren’t available in the US)