strangers answering questions
Have you ever had a question you wanted to ask random people throughout the world? I haven’t either, but it’s a cool idea now that there’s a web site that lets you do it.
The site is and as long as you answer someone else’s question, you get to ask a question of your own.
For example, I answered a question, then asked, What is the best movie ever made? (Please don’t say Citizen Kane). A few hours later I checked on the question, and several people had responded with their answers.
It seems that either you specified your criteria for ‘best’ a bit loosely, or some people did not take the question entirely seriously. Howard the Duck?
Most people don’t take the questions seriously.
The site seems to bring in a lot of pervs. I asked “Did you just love the new Harry Potter book ‘Half Blood Prince'”. I did get some super fast comments.
I didn’t see any off-color responses to your question. Were you just talking about other answers?
They have some rules to address that.
3) No hatefulness, please. If we find a question or an answer overtly offensive — racially, sexually, or otherwise — we will remove it.
5) Help keep a friendly place! Just click “turn on moderation” in the top right corner of any page with questions or answers. Then use the “inappropriate content” links to report offensive stuff. If we agree with your assessment, we’ll remove the offending content from as soon as we can.
The responses were fine. There is some perv that keeps asking questions of a sexual manner that are XXX rated. I didn’t realize that we could report them. It’s too bad their not monitoring the questions closer. Oh well.
If you can filter out the idiots, there are some interesting answers. One I liked was to a question about whether Americans are stupid. ONe guy mentioned that not all are, but the stupid ones have the loudest voices. So true.
My favorite though was to a question “Where Are You?”
– “In the trunk of an Impala @ a truckstop. LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!”
Man, there are some weird answers to that one. For instance, one person responded with a single word to explain his whereabouts: poop.
Another imaginative person (posting from the US) wrote, “In a cage in Guantanimo, using a hacked army radio to reach the internet – for the love of allah, help me.”
Dan — do you have an answer yourself to your movie question? Perhaps you recognized my two answers to the question. Did you get the answers e-mailed to you, or just check?
I’m fond of Groundhog Day, but I don’t know if that’s my favorite. I really liked The Village too.
I don’t get them e-mailed to me, I just checked it occasionally.