hypercard and stuffit archives
If you use Linux and want to either read an old Hypercard stack or (possibly to access an old hypercard stack) decompress a stuffit file (extension of .sit) you’re in luck.
I had to do both and found that to read old Hypercard stacks on Linux you can use Dreamcard Player. It’s a slick application that ran without a problem without having to do anything special.
To decompress stuffit files, you can use Stuffit for Linux. It’s a commercial product, but you get a free 15-day trial to do the decompression. From then on, you can either buy it, or ask your Mac-using friends to zip it. (The file I mean…)
Ahh, Hypercard. Those were the days. It was, at least, a little less messy and a little more interactive than the web. It was a great way to let the masses write software, though.
Why, if I may ask, did you need to access an old Hypercard stack? What did it do?
My uncle used hypercard for a significant amount of family history information and I want to access it.