geek test

The Geek Test is making its rounds on the web again, and I was curious to find out what my score was. I found the post where I had posted my score on Renee’s blog, but the comments are gone (Haloscan must have eaten them), so I decided to take it again and post the score on my site so it wouldn’t be lost again.

The results: 28.79684% – Total Geek.

(via mefi)


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  1. My score was 13.01775%. I have geekish tendencies. I work with a guy that must be at least 90% geek, but he refuses to take the test because he’s afraid we’ll laugh.

    Comment by Mel on June 1, 2004 @ 8:49 am
  2. That was a fun test! I got about 23.8 but forgot to save the score. I would have scored higher but I don’t know much about computer tech-until recently I thought HTML was shorthand for HoTMaiL or something.
    I can splice beat-to-beat edits,by hand, on reel-to-reel analog tape.
    That should bump me up to at least to a 30.

    Comment by allan on June 1, 2004 @ 6:50 pm
  3. I went up in geekness. 25.64103% from 24.45759% a year ago. Clearly I blame this on my geeky husband.

    Comment by Renee on June 1, 2004 @ 9:05 pm
  4. You know, I don’t know why I keep taking that stupid test. I’ve taken it before and it always depresses me. Sigh. I still blame band. The fact that I’m an engineer doesn’t help either.

    48.71795% – Super Geek

    I’ve decided to take comfort in the fact that I am down almost 2% from the last time I took that stinkin’ test.

    Comment by Jan on June 2, 2004 @ 5:26 am
  5. I know I’ve taken this before, but I can’t find my result! I just retook it and scored 37.67258% – Major Geek.

    Comment by Meredith on June 2, 2004 @ 8:58 am
  6. I took it about 6 months ago, and got around 60%, but this time got 12. It doesn’t make sense.

    Comment by carnifex on June 18, 2004 @ 3:22 pm
  7. I managed a 30.6 something

    Comment by David on June 18, 2004 @ 9:02 pm
  8. 28% im a total geek
    funny i was expecting it to be higher

    Comment by katie on June 16, 2009 @ 1:39 pm

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