identifying logos
I’ve spent far too much time on the fast food logo game but I’m still stuck on one. It’s the red and white hot air balloon and I think I’ve seen it before, but I just can’t remember where.
I got the first few without any help, but then it started getting harder and I took advantage of a few online resources, listed below in order of utility.
Ad art’s list of logos (PDF)
Mint’s fast food page
Yahoo’s list of fast food restaurants
Wikipedia’s list of fast food restaurants
Dane Golden’s illusions of candor
Free dictionary’s list of restaurant chains
There are other collections of logos to identify too, like daily web sites, technology companies and car manufacturers.
Daily web site answers
Tech company answers
Helpful links for the cars
Ad art (PDF)
A forum
Our auto shop
The one thing I don’t understand is why in the world would anyone pay $1 to get an answer? I mean really, it’s just a game.
The balloon is from Steak Escape. Do you know how to properly type in for Carl’s Junior? I’ve tried *everything* and it won’t accept it, even though I know that star’s from Carl’s Junior.
Heather: Wahoo! Thanks to you I have all of them now.
The star confused me as well. I typed in every variation I could think of until I finally discovered that it’s also known as Hardees. They should really allow both, because Carl’s Jr. is correct.
Oooh, that makes sense. I didn’t think of Hardee’s, I haven’t seen one of those in *ages*. Now the only one I have left is the J just above that confusing star. It looks so familiar, and yet, so forgettable. Any hints?
It’s my favorite pizza place. It took me a while to figure it out too.
Hooray! Thank you! I *knew* that J looked familiar! :)
hardees instead of carls
What’s the “R” store under Boston Market????
That was a tough one. It’s Roy Rogers.
I have a puzzle of hundreds of logos and am really stuck. Cannot seem to find any anwers on the net. If I send it to you can you solve it for me?
I originally thought to try Hardee’s (there’s one right outside work). The angle of the star gives it away over Carl’s. However, no matter what I type, it’s not working for me. I tried Hardees, hardees, hardee, Hardee, Hardee’s, hardee’s… Nothing works. Same for anyone else?
Andrew: Hardees worked for me.
I am looking to identify a logo with a white eagle head on a blue background. There is blue writing below. It is in a pic but when I blow it up the writing cannot be read. It is below a SHELL gas station sign. It may be some sort of shoppette. It is at a small airport.
Is it like this?
(from Georgia Southern)
Sort of. It is looking up instead of sideways and has a bit more torso. We’re heading in the right direction as I believe it was on the east coast……probably South Carolina.
Thank you.
I think I found it…….. “Eagle Aviation”
Nice work :)