1.6b release of mt blacklist
Version 1.6 (beta) of Jay Allen’s MT blacklist plugin is now available. It has been a huge help in deleting spam comments, and in this version he fixed a bug when searching for recent comments that makes my life even easier. Three cheers to Jay for helping squelch spam comments before they got out of hand.
Thanks for posting this Dan. I’ve been looking for just such a thing for my new site. It’s not even finished (it’s been live for three days) and I’ve had numerous offers to increase the size of an anatomical item I don’t have. Sheesh.
1.5 was a big improvement. I have still received a couple hits from time to time, about six comment spams yesterday. But the cleanup took about thirty seconds vs. five minutes to track them all down.
Sorry, had to add this. I just updated and ran De-spam on my entire comment database. It found two that I had previously missed. Shweeeet.
The first large-scale spam I received (90 comments) took me over an hour to clean it out. The most recent attack (30 comments) were taken care of in less than a minute. I almost look forward to spammers trying to spam me because it’s so easy to delete them. I like to make them waste their time.
Now if only we could track down some virus writers and get some of that reward $$ from Microsoft…
I’ve had quite a few spams myself this morning. The plugin is a big help, but I would like it to have a 1-click mechanism to automatically blacklist the domain on a comment. That way I wouldn’t have to type in such vulgar words.
Cameron: It does have a way to do that. In each notification e-mail (sent when someone makes a comment) there is a link at the bottom that will remove all comments from that IP address or that have that URL, and automatically add the URL to the blacklist.
I originally thought that link would do it, but I’ve clicked on it many a times, and it just seems to take me to the main Quick-add list, with no mention of the offending domain. I looked at it closer, and I may have found the problem (I haven’t checked it yet). When I’m not logged into MT, it takes me first to a login page. I login, but that seems to rinse the URL of the arguments at the end. Hmm.
In version 1.4 the link was broken (at least for me) but if you’re already logged in to Movable Type, in 1.5 the link goes to a page where you can delete the offending comment, and all other comments that match the IP or a URL.