
It’s super-instant, always-ready, any-e-mail-you-want e-mail, right now. And with a name like mailinator, it’s bound to be good.

Mailinator provides sacrificial e-mail addresses that can be used when signing up for something that requires an e-mail address for confirmation. No passwords, no privacy, and no spam.

Even if you don’t use their service, their FAQ is entertaining. For example, “What if I send important emails with sensitive super-secret information in them to mailinator? Then you are a stupid-head. That isn’t what this is for.”

(via Software Development)


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  1. That is a fun faq. Toot! Toot!

    I was reading and somewhat entertained reading the Linux Kernel FAQ yesterday, but it does have a naughty word or two in it.

    Comment by Cameron on September 10, 2003 @ 8:17 am
  2. Ha, “Stupidhead”. That’s goin’ on the list of words Jason uses. Not a bad idea, I’m sure I’ll be using it from time to time. Later stupidhead!

    Comment by jason on September 10, 2003 @ 10:01 am
  3. I’ve been calling people stupidhead for months. I should warn you Jason, stupidheads typically don’t enjoy being called stupidheads.

    Comment by Mel on September 10, 2003 @ 10:35 am
  4. Stupidhead
    In continuation of the Stupidhead theme on Dan’s blog, I’ve come across another bout of stupidity. I would venture to say Mr. McKinley was acting as a Stupidhead. Not just because he flew in the cargo bay (which could have…

    Trackback by Current Events on September 10, 2003 @ 2:34 pm

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