tracking comments
I have a dilemma and I’m curious how other people deal with it.
I enjoy commenting on people’s blogs, as well as other forums, but I also like to read responses to my comments, and therein lies the problem. How in the heck do I track all of the comments I’ve made? What if I post a comment on a blog and the next day, they’ve made two new posts? It’s difficult to remember that I commented on the third post so I can check for responses. In some high traffic message boards it’s nearly impossible to keep track of comments. Any ideas?
Well, I guess I don’t have a specific answer to your question, but some insight on how I’m trying meet the need of your request. I’m in the process of coding my own blog software and one of the features will be to allow the person making the comment to be notified if additional comments are made after theirs.
I’m doing that in my code because I sometimes forget where I commented and may miss insightful additional comments under mine.
That’s a good idea, and if Movable Type were to support that, it would cover a lot of blogs. Even if they did though, you’d still have all of the other blogging tools left that don’t email you.
I’ve been wanting the same thing. With my short term memory, I almost never go back and look at comments that were in response to mine. You could ask the blog-owner to include you in the [email me when a comment is posted] configuration under blog-config of Movable Type. :-)
yeah i like ur car i was wonderin how many miles it has and what price you have stated
It’s not for sale, I sold it over a year ago.