a word a day
A good way to increase your vocabulary is to learn one new word a day. Bill Buckley’s Word of the Day is a quick test of your vocabulary. It’s also a good refresher course in case you’re familiar with the word but don’t know exactly what it means. (Thanks Jacob)
And thanks Dan :)
I got today’s right, but only because it was multiple-choice. My vocab isn’t quite up to ‘fill in the blank’ at that level.
Also note dictionary.com’s word of the day. You don’t get a quiz, but you get a full definition with some fun etymological information.
If you need help figuring out how to pronounce that new vocabulary word (I can never figure out the pronounciation keys) just hit meriam-webster .
Good point, except you spelled it wrong. Luckily, they’ve got you covered, along with a few other variations. My preference is the abbreviated URL, m-w.com
show off.
I used to get a word a day downloaded automatically. Can this still be accomplished?
I’m not sure what you mean by that, but if you’re referring to getting it by email, you can use dictionary.com.
i want minimum five new words perday, which we genrally use regularly.