anything but google?

Does anyone use other search engines besides Google anymore? I updated my search engine submission page and realized that I haven’t used another search engine to find something on the web in months. There are a lot more paid submission sites now too while Google remains free. What search engines do you use?


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  1. Just making sure the comments form is working as expected.

    Comment by dan on June 7, 2002 @ 5:02 am
  2. I know what you mean. Yahoo used to be the most popular, and now even they use Google. That says a lot.

    Comment by Cameron on June 7, 2002 @ 6:08 pm
  3. Well,if I don’t use google,then I use ask jeeves.

    Comment by Tammie on June 7, 2002 @ 6:13 pm
  4. I just checked my search engine stats for today and here’s the breakdown:

    AOL: 11
    Altavista: 1
    Dogpile: 2
    Google: 310
    Lycos: 1
    MSN: 25
    Netscape: 2
    Yahoo: 151

    Total: 503

    Google is at 61%, but since Yahoo uses Google, it puts Google at 92%. As far as the users who visit my page go, they’re using Google.

    Comment by dan on June 7, 2002 @ 6:19 pm
  5. I don’t think I’ve actually really attempted to find anything with any other search engine for years. I’ve looked at a couple others, but more for novelty value than anything else. And by the way, how come this comment page went suddenly plain?

    Comment by Levi on June 7, 2002 @ 7:12 pm
  6. I did take a look at Teoma when it was released, but I wasn’t very impressed.

    I’m currently working on the comments template, so you probably caught it midway through.

    Comment by dan on June 7, 2002 @ 7:23 pm
  7. I found your site when searching for funny Google takeoffs. Seriously, I use for most searches.

    Comment by Karen on January 5, 2003 @ 6:12 pm
  8. I think google is bad you cont get any thing you want for a school report

    Comment by Anonymous on October 15, 2003 @ 11:18 am

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