How fast can you type?
This speed test shows you the most common words in the English language. That means if you practice typing them, you’ll improve your overall speed because they’ll come up more often.
My first try was 83wpm, but my cursor wasn’t in the text field for the first several seconds while I was typing. Make sure to click in the text field before you start typing. A space or an enter will move you to the next word. My second try is where I got 104wpm with no errors. That doesn’t mean I didn’t use the backspace – I just didn’t press space until I got it right.
How weird is it that I’m jealous of your 104wpm? :)
If I’m really focused I can get 80wpm… which is still pretty darn good!
Indubitably – 80wpm is quite good. Of course, 104wpm is better :P
I’m a lowsy 67 :(
1st try: 87
2nd try: 80
3rd try: 85